Frequently Asked Questions

Grant Development

是否需要与资源开发(RDO)办公室合作才能提交 a grant proposal?

是的,RDO是所有大学寻求资助的努力的联系点,以评估 授予想法和资助机会,评估成功的可能性,进行协调 提案的发展,并确保行政人员的赠款澳门金沙注册批准. 此外,RDO员工具有特定的专业知识,这将提高竞争力 of grant proposals. 员工有组建联邦、州和私人基金会的经验 资助提案,并带来同样的热情,以起草一个百万美元的提案 as they do to a thousand dollar one. Finally, many college staff have remarked how 使用RDO使过程更容易,并产生更好的成品 they felt confident submitting for funding.

I've been named as project director for a new grant, now what?

资源开发部致力于支持每个项目主管的工作 以达到他们的奖助金的目标和目的,如果在任何时候你有一个问题 或问题实施您的项目,你应该随时打电话给我们的帮助. 一旦学院收到资助者的奖励通知,初始补助金管理 meeting will be scheduled. Members of the project staff, grant finance and Resource Development will be in attendance. During this meeting the highlights of the grant- 包括目标、报告和预算要求、活动实施、 and College grant management protocol will be reviewed. The goal of this first meeting 是要清楚地界定(资助者和 the College) associated with the management of the grant.

I have an idea for a grant, what do I do now?

Start by reviewing the  Grant Process Diagram. 这会让你对金沙注册的开发和审批过程有一个很好的了解 grants. 你的想法是否回应一个特定的奖助金公告或请求 对于提案(RFP),或者它是否是一个仍在开发中的新想法,完成 the  Project Idea Worksheet and email it to


Be familiar with your approved grant proposal. Your proposal is your blueprint of 你应该做什么,什么时候需要做,谁来负责,还有什么 you should accomplish.

Why is the grants process so complex?

补助金是学院的义务和承诺,因此需要尽职调查 确保适当的个人知道和批准拨款之前 it is developed and submitted to the funder. A number of issues are considered during 审批过程中,包括融资的可能性、间接收费的能力 成本,与学院战略目标的一致性,匹配资金的可用性, 以及在资金结束后继续项目的要求. (See the  Grant Process Diagram). 遵循这个过程有助于确保您不会花费大量时间进行开发 a grant proposal that is not internally approved or submitted. There are times when the grants process can be expedited; however, this is the exception rather than the rule.

How do I know what is allowable under a grant?

每个资助项目都有一套独特的要求和规定. The best place to get started is to look at your approved proposal. If your proposal does not clearly 说明你可以做或购买一些东西,不要假设它是允许的 check with the Resource Development or Grants Accounting office. Remember just because 这是一笔补助金,并不意味着它不受学院政策和程序的约束.

I just found out about a grant that is due in a few weeks. Can we submit a proposal?

Call the RDO immediately to discuss the grant opportunity. Some grants are simpler to develop and the process may be expedited. However, a large federal grant usually 需要几个月的计划和发展,以产生一个有竞争力的提案. Once again, approvals are needed.


在您回复任何查询之前,请联系资源开发或拨款会计. 我们通常可以帮助“解读”出资人想要什么,并帮助起草回应.

Can I write my own grant?

最终,RDO的工作人员将代表公司准备和提交所有申请 College; however, as a content area expert, your assistance is needed to develop a competitive proposal. 在与研发人员会面并通过审批后 在这个过程中,实际的写作内容可能是由双方共同开发的. The RDO员工将向适当的个人和意愿寻求指导和最终批准 oversee all final edits to the documents and submission.

Is a grant budget different from a College budget?

In most cases the answer is yes. Most grant budgets come with very specific regulations 这可能会限制预算类别之间的转移,禁止购买 某些商品或服务,并限制资金可用的特定时间框架. 在许多情况下,对最初批准的预算的修改需要事先批准 from the funder. 这个审批过程(由RDO协调)可能非常详细 and may require several months to attain. Please always consult with Resource Development 当你有需要事先批准的限制时.

我的部门被要求参与另一个机构提交的拨款提案 和/或为其他机构的资助提供支持信. Do I need to contact the RDO?

Yes. All grant related items are processed through the RDO. If you’ve been asked to 合作伙伴提供赠款或提供支持/承诺信,请立即与我们联系 for assistance. 准备好回答有关参与程度的问题 by individuals or the College. Please do not commit the College to any activity without checking with your Supervisor/Dean. Working with you and your supervisor/dean, the RDO staff will process the partnership letter or proposal.

What are the reporting requirements related to my grant?

因为每个资助计划都是不同的,资助者将有不同的报告要求. 然而,所有赠款的报告过程是由联合国教科文组织协调和提交的 College. Grant accounting will process and submit all financial reports. Program reporting is coordinated by the RDO. Normally, project directors submit a draft report to Resource Development two weeks prior to the due date. Resource Development will then submit 用于内部审查过程的报告,其中包括管理员的批准 负责拨款,如有需要,将会取得署长的签名 President. 该报告随后由资源发展部代表学院提交.

Still have questions about Grant Management? Call the Resource Development Office at 407-582-2911.


这取决于资助者,但联邦拨款可能需要长达六个月的时间来学习 about an award.

Still have questions about Grant Development? Call the Resource Development Office 407-582- 2906.